10 Things to Know When Working On-Campus or Off-Campus in Canada


Working in a foreign country is not for the faint of heart. While most of us are content where we are, there are always those daring few who wish to explore other areas. There are numerous obstacles to overcome, which can be intimidating at first. However, as with many things in life, the benefits typically outweigh the drawbacks, and working overseas can improve your life and provide unique experiences. Continue reading to learn about potential challenges and how to overcome them.

Make sure to apply for a SIN (Social Insurance Number):

A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number you must have to work and be paid in Canada and access government services and benefits. It is also utilized for tax purposes. If you do not qualify for a SIN, you can obtain an Individual Tax Number (ITN) for tax purposes. You are solely responsible for safeguarding your SIN. Maintain a secure location for documents, including your SIN and personal information. International students are issued a SIN beginning with the letter ‘9,’ which informs employers that they are temporary residents of Canada. The SIN’s expiration date is determined by the permission that allows you to work in Canada. If you prolong your study or work permits and wish to continue working or filing taxes, you must renew your SIN with the new or renewed permits. A valid SIN does not immediately qualify you to work on or off campus. To work legally, you must still meet the qualifying conditions. Off-campus employment is not required for students enrolled in degree programs.

Always remember to save money every month:

Saving money is a significant worry for students studying abroad. Examine your living expenses, classes, and visa costs to see where you might save money. You will frequently inquire about issues such as the currency rate, the cost of living, and potential ways to save money. Regardless of program cost, the cost of living will immediately impact your budget. For example, a study abroad program in London will have a high living expense and an unfavorable exchange rate to the US dollar. The program will almost certainly be unique. If money is an issue, it should be examined with more conservative budgeting in mind. To obtain a realistic cost analysis of studying abroad, accurately explore any program and cost of living fees and build a list of experiences you’d like to have while there. Then, with those figures in mind and these pointers, you’ll have a great semester abroad! Seeing reports on your spending patterns can assist you in knowing where you need to cut back or have some leeway to splurge, whether you like to write out every detail of your expenditure personally or prefer to have automated systems keep track for you.

Never, ever borrow money from loan sharks or banks:

Almost all Indian students who want to study abroad look for low-interest education loans to fulfill their long-held desire to obtain that coveted foreign diploma. Getting an education loan, which is, by default, the first stage in this lengthy procedure, is not a simple undertaking. To begin, as the initial exclusion criterion, always inspect the institution where you are getting admission. This also puts a lot of added pressure on the student, whereas, in the case of a Scholarship or financial, there’s no question of repayment. Many potential study-abroad students are unaware they can apply for financial assistance for their planned semester abroad. While each adventure is unique, preparation ahead of time can help you qualify for scholarships and grants that can make your life a bit simpler while abroad. Inquire with your school’s financial aid or guidance counselor about the need and merit-based help, or contact the study abroad counselor about active sponsored partnerships. Go Overseas collaborates with programs to provide gap year and study abroad scholarships to tourists, undergraduates, and master’s candidates worldwide.

Make sure you always check the work terms and conditions:

The essential purpose of a Terms and Conditions agreement is to prevent abuse. Your Terms and Conditions agreement aids in preventing abuse by stating your right to terminate the accounts of those who commit abuse. A Terms & Conditions agreement is a legally binding contract between you and your employer. Depending on your degree of expertise and sector, your next job offer may come with a long employment contract that you must sign. While your prospective employer may dismiss it as a formality, you should never sign anything without thoroughly reading it. The exhilaration of being recruited and starting right away Is terrific, but there are a few things you should look out for before signing on the signed line. Most importantly, ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed all contract items, and when in doubt, have an attorney weigh in.

Make sure that you are smart enough to avoid internet scams:

Keep your PCs and mobile devices up to date. One of the most crucial defenses against viruses, malware, and other internet risks is to utilize the most recent security software, web browser, and operating system. Turn on automatic updates to receive the most recent fixes as they become available. Be wary of phishing scams. Phishing scams employ bogus emails and websites to deceive consumers into exposing private account or login information. Do not click on links, open attachments, or pop-up windows from unknown sources. Personal data should be kept confidential. Hackers can use social network accounts to determine your passwords and answer security questions in password reset tools.

Working On-Campus or Off-Campus is a great way to earn extra income:

Students who study abroad and work on campus are more likely to continue their academic education. Students who work part-time on campus get to know instructors and other students and are more likely to feel more connected to the school community. On-campus employment usually permits the student to stay on campus rather than commute. Most on-campus positions offer monetary remuneration or some form of tuition support. Off-campus occupations may pay two or three times as much as on-campus jobs. Students can choose from a wide range of work opportunities by venturing off campus. Many various businesses are interested in hiring students in most college cities. As a result, regardless of the type of vocation the student want to follow, there is a significant likelihood that he or she will be able to find employment.

You will find it very tough working in a foreign country:

Working in a foreign country is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It exposes you to a new culture, allows you to meet new people, and provides you with a fresh perspective on life. However, there can be numerous obstacles to overcome to get your ideal career abroad: locating contacts in the destination country, obtaining a salaried position, overcoming the language barrier, and logistics, to name a few. Choosing to live and work in a nation other than your own would almost certainly include a variety of practical hurdles, ranging from red tape and paperwork with embassies to drafting a presentable CV, opening a bank account, and comprehending contracts. These activities can be intimidating in and of themselves, but when you have to complete them in a foreign language, you may feel helpless. This is where translation services come in handy. They help you grasp the logistics by delivering quality and precise translations, whether a CV, a cover letter, or more! These will be crucial in your search for a new life abroad.

You need to ensure that you are prepared to face these challenges:

While traveling to a new nation in pursuit of work is difficult, there are numerous benefits. Many studies show that professionals who relocate for their careers acquire skills, knowledge, and networks while broadening their horizons. Then you relocate to another country and begin your quest to learn how to excel. The simplest method is to obtain information on employment-related online services, websites, blogs, coaching, and asking individuals. The psychological consequence of feeling alienated from culture and family is one of the challenges of living abroad. While you can arrange visits to your home country, another method to keep linked to your culture is to subscribe to the television stations of your home country. Of course, a little luck never hurts, and remember the specialist’s advice: never give up!

Make sure you get paid as promised and not under the table!:

Were you looking forward to a promised raise but didn’t receive it? Knowing that you will be offered a pay increase but then having that time pass with no word from your company may be depressing and frustrating—especially if you have consistently met or surpassed expectations with your performance. Not getting a pay raise is so severe that 45 percent of employees who departed their employment desired more money. If you were promised a raise but did not receive it, you should immediately approach your management. Request a meeting with them so you can express your concerns. The raise delay could have a valid explanation. For example, management may have pushed back the time for raises. Finally, maintain a professional demeanor in your encounters, especially when discussing the situation with your manager. This attitude will demonstrate to them that you are mature and capable of handling difficult situations.

Always look for opportunities or ways to better yourself through work:

If attending a local university teaches a student independence, imagine what studying abroad can do. Going on a lengthy stay in a new country by themselves teaches international students to be self-sufficient. These pupils were shown to be more independent and to have better levels of self-efficacy when compared to those who were taught locally. They can deal with stress better, are more likely to achieve their goals, and have higher levels of life satisfaction. Setting goals is pointless if you don’t follow through on them. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, devise short motivational actions to help you carry out your plan. For example, if you want to change employment, give yourself a couple of months to prepare, then establish a list of the short and long-term tasks you need to take and a timeframe to accomplish that goal.


Knowing why you want to work overseas is critical since you can’t tell if you’re receiving what you want out of the experience if you don’t see what you want in the first place. It could be as simple as wanting to try new things and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. In that scenario, you’ll know to avoid sitting at home in the evening watching television, something you could just as quickly do at home. Working overseas is unquestionably an enriching, challenging, and rewarding experience. Whether it is simply an exercise in pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone or a well-thought-out plan to gather knowledge for your future job, it is worthwhile to try if possible. Just keep in mind to make your shift as easy as possible!